Category Archives: Gente

Feria de Tristán Narvaja

I just found this one in my “picture vault”. It is an old one but I love it. The colors are just perfect. I was younger and even more disrespectful than I am now. The sign behind the lady says in Spanish: “Taking pictures is prohibited”… So much for that…


Update!, 01/12/06!
I recently bought Geoff Dyer’s latest book, The Ongoing Moment, book I recommend to all photography lovers, and I found that photographing blind people is one of the subjects that almost all photographers have cherish at one time or another. I know for a fact that this picture I took fourteen years ago is one of my main inspirations to become a photographer. I wasn’t aware of that fact. Glad that Mr. Dyer was sharp enough to have noticed the pattern.

Don’t take pictures

Take my picture! Take my picture!

“Peanut” is her nickname. Today there was a picnic at my daughter’s school and while I was taking pictures of her, this girl came to me and asked me, with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen: “Please take my picture! Take my picture!” I did. Talk about refreshing beauty, inside and out.

Wind over Lake

I took this picture from the lower deck of the little ferry that took my daughter and I to Fort Delaware the other day. It was very windy in the river. I looked up and saw these young girls, full of joy, their hair floating in the air, flowing up and down with the wind, like manes of fire. Wind over Lake, Lake meaning the I Ching Trigram for happiness and joy…