Category Archives: Commentary

Debka File Adds…

Sigh… News with a twist and editorial opinions. With that kind of linear thinking I guess is “one down and ‘n posts’ to go…” Nice. Guys, just in [..]



Remember the photgraph of the girls drawing little Israeli flags on artillety shells? Below is a disclaimer in the form of “context”: CJR Daily: About Those Photos of [..]


We can only wish…

…it was about God and religion… It has everything to do with turf, power and greed. On both sides of the fence. Lightstalkers :: from beirut to the [..]

Commentary , , , , ,

If reviewed by him…

…I feel much better…. Sigh… What a bunch of dictatorial crooks. BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush ‘blocked phone tap inquiry’ Mr Bush had refused them security clearance, [..]


Like a spy novel…

I keep telling you, Debka reads like a fiction bestseller. Just the way the reports are written is quite engaging… DEBKAfile – Bush Wants the Hizballah-Israel War to [..]


Forget CNN and others…

If you want to know another “version” of the news in the Middle East, albeit heavily biased towards the Israeli side, read Debka At the very least is [..]


Earth and Happiness

This goes to show that to find happiness in the “raw” you must almost leave the planet. Vanuatu is so far removed from everything that short of a [..]


Net neutrality in jeopardy…

Sometimes I wonder what are the Republicans (and some Democrats) smoking… Why try to heal a bullet hole? Isn’t better not to shoot the gun in the first [..]


Hitler vs. Coulter Quiz…

Take the test… Geeze, some of those Neo-Cons should be vaccinated against rabies… Give Up Blog “Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side [..]


No poster child but a Yellow Flag…

Net Neutrality should be kept as is. Don’t fix what is NOT broken. Sen. Wyden (and the WSJ) fall into Net neutrality misinformation trap by ZDNet‘s David Berlind [..]
