Monthly Archives: December 2005

In the “must be known” file…

Must be shared. A real shame on the part of the Mexican justice system. There are other ways to refute involvement in such a crime. Don’t shoot the [..]


While they were sleeping…

Cheers for the people of Bolivia! I don’t know if what’s coming is good for the people of Bolivia, for the poor that make up the majority of [..]


A way to capture a shift…

It is and it isn’t. It shifts. In a two dimensional world–and two is not a typo,–fine, tenuous lines are there to bound, mark and define form, give [..]


I have a problem with that title…

I doubt the guys at the NSA were jumping at the bit to start spying on the American people and GWB just agreed to it… Can you guys [..]


Talk about timing…,

I’m glad to know many of our Senators have some sense of honesty and know where to draw some lines. Heck, they miss most; in the end they [..]


N62 W141, Blind spots and a Major WTF!

Just one for the conspiracy theorists in all of us… I saw this at, a photography site. Well, if we think about it, not even the very [..]

Just Rants

Brain surgery…

Anyone paying any attention would have known that for a fact. Apathy is what dooms empires… Columnist Says Bush Knows Who Leaked Name Novak also suggested that the [..]


370HSSV 0773H

This one has been around the Net for a while. Still, I think is very good. After numerous rounds of: “We don’t even know if Osama is still [..]

Just Rants

Shameful and real

Because “Freedom” is not free…. Hmmm. what would Jesus do? Oops!! That’s right!! I remember: Matt 21:12-13 12 Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove [..]


Coping with loneliness…

Hmmm, she claims to have added a mustache, only…. I wonder how many seconds will it take for somebody to start selling those on eBay, catering to lonely [..]

Just Rants