Monthly Archives: July 2005

What’s wrong with this picture?

Just go and look at the picture of a bunch of guys, “relaxing” in hammocks, with laptops firing RF beams all around… And then they want to “erase” [..]

Just Rants

Not that there is anything wrong with being one…

Where is Jerry Seinfeld when you need him? – Roberts documents reveal a conservative – Jul 27, 2005 Limiting Supreme Court’s reach Roberts argued that Congress had [..]

Just Rants

The richness of language…

Mind you, I had to run for the nearest Merriam-Webster to find out what the heck “dragooned” means… I feel “harpooned” when I find a new word and [..]

Just Rants

Trained monkeys…

There is a reason circus monkeys are trained: so they would not bite their masters. In this context, the masters are the “people” who pay their taxes so [..]

Just Rants

Livin’ la vida loca…

Great!! The new version of Windows will be called “Vista,” Spanish for “View” or “Sight,” depending on the context where it is used. I guess is something else [..]

Just Rants

He’s not?

Good God! Thanks! Coming from him…. I feel so much better now… (although, for some reason, that “probably” word is kind of stuck in my throat) Does that [..]

Just Rants

Jumping together…

This reminds me of a little trivia I read almost twenty years ago; it had to do with China and its people. One of the factoids was that [..]

Just Rants

Like is going to make any difference

Perhaps the day the people of this country overcomes their apathy towards anything political. Not until then and perhaps “then” would be too late to really change anything… [..]

Just Rants

Speedy Gonzáles…

No pun intended (but mark my words, just in case….) Just a reflection on the speed our president can make a decision when just hours before he was [..]

Just Rants

Reality checks…

Somebody, at least, is talking some sense about this mess… They may as well ask Dubya to commit Harakiri… James Moore: Why Karl Rove Will Never Go – [..]

Just Rants