Monthly Archives: February 2005

About the Yi and what it is (not)

Last night I posted the following in a forum I read, and write on, about the Yijing. Write is mostly an euphemism, of course, although I take the [..]

I Ching

Well, talk about signs…

I just read in the news that Reggie Roby died this morning. This just a few weeks after Reggie White died at his home. Both men named Reggie. [..]

Just Rants

The view; the other side of the pond…

I just read something funny in the New Yorker magazine; the paper version, mind you, on this week’s edition. It was a commentary about the state of affairs [..]

Just Rants

About immortality…

Ray Kurzweil is at it, again. There is a very interesting article about his latest book, Fantastic Voyage: Live long enough to live forever, at I won’t [..]

Just Rants

Pintando con Luz

Lo and behold! I finished redesigning my photoblog, Pintando con Luz. Just a place to paste some of the many pictures I take. Always in pursuit of angles, [..]

Just Rants

Still here

Well, I haven’t gone anywhere. Always here, following the same routine. I’ve been doing a lot of reading though. Online and off-line, something that would make my pen-pal, [..]

Just Rants