Unclassified, unclassifiable…

Now, as a hypocrisy corollary of what I wrote below on mind-altering drugs, take a look at this “invention”… Huh?!?! So, you mean that a device that can make you a mindless, order-following-killing-machine drone is OK if it has, ahem!, “a practical use in a military application”?
Now, we file this under what? Sci-Fi B movie come to life? Reality, my friends, is stranger than you think…
New Scientist Breaking News – Invention: Soldiers obeying odours

These can be delivered silently, in the dark and when loud noise is drowning out speech. Furthermore, says the USC patent, the immediate reaction to a smell is emotional, rather than rational, so an odour trigger may encourage people to carry out orders without question.
Pictures filed with the patent show how the researchers used a collar, like a gun belt, which hangs round a soldier’s neck. The collar has a dozen cartridges, each containing a wick soaked in smelly liquid, a valve and a small propeller fan. Remote radio signals open selected valves and kick fans into life.


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