Category Archives: Just Rants

Yes? Really? How so?

Sometimes I think he never left the drugs behind. Geeze,! at least Clinton didn’t inhale… (insert big tongue in cheek here) But, seriously for whom consumption is that [..]

Just Rants


Finally, a rare find: self-conscious lawyers… In the wrong place and time, mind you… New York Daily News – Breaking News – Officer: Army unit blocked from sharing [..]

Just Rants

The pathology of a bully…

Main Entry: pa

Just Rants

Gender and linking habits….

By way of Madame Levy I found an interesting article about linking habits of bloggers. It appears to be divided along gender lines with males overwhelmingly favoring male [..]

Just Rants

As I was saying…

…ahem! I’m sure Chairman Mao is laughing his ass off, wherever his spirit is… Skies open to China’s new jet set The number of millionaires in China is [..]

Just Rants

Capitalism at its best…

…and it’s too late to stop it… Well, duh!! Welcome to the club! They should have seen that one coming. The first thing that is satiated when one [..]

Just Rants

Bullshit? Really?

Just because the outburst was “bullshit”? Or because he walked off the room? Hey, where’s the bleeping thingy when you really need it? And what about all those [..]

Just Rants


Military Council for Justice AND Democracy?? Yep, that’s a “misnomer” if I’ve ever seen one. Talk about flashbacks. The press still uses the Spanish name “Junta” for this [..]

Just Rants

Great ideas from a sadist child…

… put into practice in real war interrogation tactics… Now, imagine, just imagine, this being used on our own citizens, as the School of the Americas taught countless [..]

Just Rants

And then again…

…there is always the “optimists”… Reaction to Bolton’s U.N. Appointment “Let’s not prejudge his behavior. Let’s wait for how he comes and what he says here. … The [..]

Just Rants